Lloyd House Bylaws

Roompick Rules
Election Rules
LASR/PA Selection
Mural Resolution
Property Resolution
ratified January 20, 1993
amended January 5, 2005
amended January 22, 2010
amended May 8, 2012
amended January 13, 2020
amended Feb 13, 2022
amended Feb 12, 2023
Article I.
A Member of Lloyd House shall be a properly selected and currently registered undergraduate attending the California Institute of Technology. Each Member shall be allowed even regard and just privilege and shall be entitled to petition the House and the Executive Committee. A student forced to drop membership may reinstate membership without a vote within 2 weeks of being eligible for membership again, except if the student was PNG'd.
Article II.
Offices shall be served by Members and shall be elected at least annually. The Executive Committee shall consist of: the President who shall lead, observe, and represent the House and shall conduct and arrange appropriate House and Executive Committee Meetings; the Secretary who shall direct Roompicks, Elections and Selections, and House correspondence and shall archive the Constitution, Amendments, Bylaws, House and Executive Committee Meeting minutes, and Membership listings, publishing as warranted and serve as the Review Committee Representative; the Treasurer who shall manage House funds; the Superintendent who shall govern House maintenance and serve as House representative at Institute Housing meetings; a pair of Social Directors, who shall plan social events for the House; the Athletic Manager who shall coordinate the Athletic Team and interhouse sports; and two Representatives, who shall coordinate all Alumni affairs events, merchandise, and other social events not coordinated by the Social Directors. The Executive Committee, acting through decisions of its majority, shall be empowered to administrate all House functions and to designate necessary House positions and committees. Each member shall be granted self-direction and voting power within Executive Committee decisions.
Article III.
A House Meeting may be called by the President, the Executive Committee, or one-sixth of the Membership. A House decision can be declared either at a House Meeting during the presence of one-third of the Membership, or through an online vote with one-third of the Membership participating. Proposed Amendments or Bylaw changes and officer Elections or expulsions must be announced one week prior to their decision. Amendments, officer expulsions, and Executive Committee overrulings shall require approval by two-thirds of the Members voting, while Bylaw changes and other decisions shall require a simple majority.
Article IV.
Excomm may, by a simple majority vote, appoint and, by a two-thirds majority vote, revoke appointed offices within and on behalf of the House.
Article V
The PA/LASR (Peer Advocate/Lloyd Alley Support Representative) Committee, including a chair (Head PA/LASR), shall be composed by the Executive Committee and shall meet as required to organize special events and to negotiate or avert contention. Its members, one for each Alley, shall recognize, represent, and inform their constituents. The selection of the members of the PA/LASR Committee shall follow the rules given in the PA/LASR selection section.
Roompick Rules
passed May 6, 1993
amended April 6, 1994
amended May 4, 1994
updated May 2, 1997
amended January 20, 1998
amended January 5, 2005
amended May 21, 2006
amended January 22, 2010
amended April 22, 2010
amended May 8, 2012
amended February 21, 2013
amended February 3, 2016
amended April 20, 2019
amended February 3, 2020
amended February 12, 2023
amended February 26, 2024
1. Definitions
  1. Single - A two-person room which is occupied by only one person.
  2. Declared Single - single, as above, as the result of a previous roompick. Freshmen may not hold declared singles.
  3. N-Person room - a room designed for exactly N people.
  4. N-person Off Campus House - an off campus affiliated building with one street address that accomodates N people. This designation will apply only during End-of-Year Roompicks. During middle-of-year roompicks, such a house will be awarded as N-person rooms according to the Housing Office designations. In no case shall the designation of N-person house apply for N greater than 4.
  5. Class designation - (FR, SO, JR, SR, SS) as defined below:
    1. When a student (frosh, transfer or otherwise) becomes a full member, they must obtain a class designation; incoming freshmen will be assigned "frosh" designation, while transfers and returning students must declare their class designation with the Secretary. This class designation will be used in all RoomPicks.
    2. Each member's class designation will increment [ FR SO JR SR SS ] automatically and only immediately preceding the end-of-year RoomPick.
    3. Members shall not enter the end-of-year RoomPick with the same class designation more than once, with the exception of extenuating cases of returning members.
  6. Settler - A person who shall inhabit a room or house in the upcoming academic Institute Housing period.
  7. Squatter - A student who most recently inhabited a room or house.
  8. Undeclared Single - a single that arises not as the result of a previous roompick but due to one roommate dropping out of the room.
  9. Member (as used in Roompick Rules only) - a previous full member who will be a full member in the following term. This includes returning students and people who are not currently students but have sufficient confidence from the dean(s) of their return as a student for the following term (see Article I of the Constitution for how these people may reinstate membership).
  10. Screwed-over - the state of a senior (SR) who has entered roompicks the past two years and not received a room either time.
  11. {SR-picked, JR-picked, SO-picked} room - a C-picked room is a room picked by a member of class C. A pair (or group) of roommates is free to choose which of them is picking.
2. Roompick Order
  1. The President of Lloyd House shall have the highest overall roompick.
  2. SR pick higher than JR who pick higher than SO who pick higher than FR who pick higher than SS.
  3. Officers pick at the top of their respective classes in the following order: Secretary, Superintendent, Social Director, Treasurer, Athletic Manager, Representatives.
  4. Health Ad, LASR/PA, and Excomm Privileges and Restrictions
    1. LASRs whose terms begin at the start of the academic year must live in their respective alleys for the duration of their term. All members of Excomm must remain on campus or move on-campus at the start of the new academic year. If any of the above move off-campus during the course of their term, they must relinquish their office at that time. Excomm must take appropriate action to fill that vacancy.
    2. Two health ads, first year PAs, and LASRs are guaranteed spots described in (3.c.i) but do not receive elevated picks
    3. The two BOC Reps with the largest Caltech Housing Lottery numbers receive elevated picks below Representatives. If one of these two BOC Reps does not pick into a room in Lloyd, the third BOC Rep will receive the elevated pick instead.
  5. Screwed-over seniors receive elevated picks below BOC reps.
3. End-of-Year Roompicks
  1. All members entering End-of-Year Roompicks should notify the Secretary by a set deadline and must provide a roommate. If they cannot find one, the Secretary will attempt to match all Members without roommates before the roompick occurs.
    1. Rising Juniors and Seniors must be full Members at the beginning of second term to be eligible for End-of-Year Roompicks.
    2. Members may not enter roompicks for multiple houses or drop out after the Secretary’s deadline.
  2. A "Ranking" list will be posted by the Secretary as early as possible and at least one day before roompicks start. The ranking will be the reverse of the Caltech Housing Lottery numbers, accounting for 2.a, 2.b, and 2.c, except by a simple majority of Excomm.
  3. Once the deadline for roompicks closes, the Secretary will compose a "Picks" list of all the roommate pairs receiving a pick into Lloyd, i.e. a list of pairs equal to the total of non-frosh rooms in Lloyd. This list is created as follows:
    1. First placing all members with guaranteed spots in counting the number of rooms going to each class. In the event of mixed class roommates, it is designated as the more senior class unless the spots allotted to the more senior class are filled and the spots allotted to the less senior class are not filled.
    2. Next, the Secretary adds pairs in ranking order from each class until reaching a 40:30:30 ratio of Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores (rounding up for Seniors and Juniors). Note that in this round, a mixed class roommate pairing can be designated as the lower of the two classes if the higher one does not receive a spot.
    3. If this does not fill all spots, the Secretary goes back to the top of the pick order and goes down until all pick spots are filled.
    4. The Secretary will notify the house of the “Picks” list as soon as it is finalized.
  4. Going down the order of the Rankings list, everyone on the Picks list will pick their room. Before each pick, the Secretary will check if the alley has enough rooms remaining for a LASR and frosh rooms. If the alley does not, it becomes locked and no one besides the LASR may pick into that alley.
    1. The Secretary will allocate a certain number of frosh rooms to each alley, making it as even as possible.
  5. The Secretary will record an ordered list of the End-of-Year Roompicks. This list will be saved by the Secretary until the end of the ensuing Rotation. The Secretary will also record who entered roompicks for the purposes of determining which future seniors fulfill definition (2.f).
  6. Following the End-of-Year Roompicks, room swaps may occur at any time, at the request of all participants, without a roompick; with the approval of the Secretary.
  7. In the case that the on campus Lloyd housing does not fill or for extenuating circumstances, singles will be allocated as seen fit by the Secretary with input from Excomm.
4. Beginning-of-the-Year Roompicks
  1. All Freshmen picked into the House and all Upperclassmen with "Frosh" roommates are entered into this roompick and must be randomly ordered by the Secretary. No other upperclassman may enter these roompicks except in the case of unanticipated vacancies in Lloyd Housing.
  2. Procedure
    1. The Secretary will compose and post a master list of picking order.
    2. The Frosh will be paired with roommates before picking occurs to fill all rooms.
5. Summer Roompicks
  1. Rules for Summer roompicks shall be listed in descending priority. If a conflict occurs among summer roompick rules, the Secretary shall make a ruling which is consistent with Institute requirements.
  2. A pair which consists of at least one settler shall have priority over a pair which consists of at least one squatter, both of which have priority over other pairs or singles.
6. Other Roompicks
  1. If an undeclared single arises, the Secretary will work with the President to fill the vacancy in a fair manner with the goal of filling the most bed spaces possible.
7. The Secretary reserves the right to interpret these rules at their discretion.
Election Procedures
passed May 6, 1993
amended April 6, 1994
amended August 29, 1997
amended January 22, 2010
amended May 8, 2012
amended March 13, 2014
amended January 13, 2020
  1. Annual elections for the Executive Committee (Excomm) shall be held during the first half of second term, with exceptions to be determined on an individual basis by majority vote of Excomm in extraneous situations. Rescheduled elections shall occur before the end of third term. The Secretary shall post sign-ups for House offices at least one week before election night.
  2. Only full Members can hold Excomm positions. The positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Director are restricted to Members in at least their second year at Caltech.
  3. Members running for offices shall declare their candidacy by adding their names to the appropriate sign-ups. Candidates for multiple offices will submit a list to the Secretary ranking their preferences.
  4. After the close of candidacy declarations, the Excomm shall appoint an Election committee consisting of three Members; unless standing for election, the Secretary shall chair the election committee. The Election Committee shall constitute ballots, make ballots available on election night, receive completed ballots, tally votes, and report election results.
  5. A quorum at Election Night exists if the sum of ballots collected is at least one-third of all Members. Members shall rank the candidates for each office in order of preference on their ballot.
  6. Members who cannot attend election night can obtain absentee ballots from the Election Committee on election day and must return them before Election night is called to order. If the Election is done online, there will be no absentee ballots available, but the Election must remain open for 24 hours.
  7. The selection of President, Secretary, Superintendent, Treasurer, Social Director, and Athletic Manager shall proceed as follows:
    1. Within each office, candidates shall receive one vote for each ballot ranking them first. The candidate(s) receiving the least number of votes shall be eliminated from consideration, unless this would allow a candidate to win without a majority of non-abstention votes. Votes for the eliminated candidate(s) shall be redistributed among the remaining candidates according to the ranking on each ballot. A ballot that ranks two or more remaining candidates evenly, or does not list any remaining candidate, shall be considered an abstention from that round of elimination. The process of elimination and redistribution shall continue until one candidate for each office remains.
    2. If there is a tie for the least number of votes during any round of elimination, all candidates involved in the tie shall be eliminated unless the sum of their votes constitutes a majority of non-abstention votes in that round. To resolve that case, votes for candidates not involved in the tie shall be redistributed among the candidates involved in the tie; only candidate(s) gaining a plurality in the resulting count shall advance to the next round of elimination. If the tie remains unresolved, a new vote comprising only the uneliminated candidates shall be taken; for purposes of the tie, absentee votes shall be counted as if cast in this new vote.
    3. If a pair of Social Directors are running in the election process, they will do so as one entity on the ballot. The two Social Directors will specify in their run which one of the two will be the spokesperson for the pair; the other will act as a non-voting member of Excomm. The voting member of the pair can be switched at any time by a simple majority vote of Excomm.
  8. The selection of Representative-at-Large shall proceed as follows:
    1. The single transferable vote (STV) system shall be used as described below.
    2. Definitions:
      1. To "transfer" a ballot is to assign it to its highest-ranking continuing candidate.
      2. A "transferable ballot" is a ballot which lists or designates at least 1 continuing candidate.
      3. "The quota" is the number of valid ballots cast in the election divided by P+1.
    3. Each ballot, at the beginning of the count, shall have the value of 1 vote. Each candidate, at the beginning of the count, shall have a vote total of 0.
    4. When a ballot is transferred to a candidate, their vote total is increased by the value of the ballot. When a ballot is transferred from a candidate, their vote total is decreased by the value of the ballot.
    5. Immediately after each allocation, either e.i or e.ii (below) shall be carried out, depending on whether or not that allocation has resulted in a candidate acquiring a quota.
      1. If any candidate has acquired a quota as a result of the allocation that has just been completed, then that candidate is elected as of that time. If their vote total exceeds a quota then they have a "surplus," and their surplus is equal to the amount by which their vote total exceeds the quota. The rest of this paragraph shall be carried out for every candidate who has a surplus as a result of the allocation that has just been completed. For each such candidate, their surplus shall be divided by their vote total, and the value of their transferable ballots shall be multiplied by the result of that division. Each of their transferable ballots shall then be transferred.
      2. If no candidate has acquired a quota as a result of the allocation that has just been completed, then the candidate with the lowest vote total shall be eliminated, and their transferable ballots transferred. If two or more candidates tie for the lowest vote total, they shall all be eliminated unless such elimination would result in less than the required number of winning candidates. In this case, unless paragraph f applies, an election must be held between all non-winning candidates.
    6. If candidates tie, and as a result there are more than P candidates elected, a new election will be held to choose among the tied candidates.
    7. The count shall end either when P candidates have been elected or when only P candidates remain uneliminated (in which case those P candidates are declared elected), whichever happens first.
  9. After winning candidates have been found in all elections, the Election Committee, in accordance with the candidate's stated preference, shall assign one office to candidates winning multiple positions. If more than one candidate wins multiple offices, then the preferences of the winner of the highest office(*) shall be applied first. Candidates who have received office shall be eliminated from all other races, and votes in races not yet decided shall be retallied as if none of them had run.
  10. After determining the winner(s) of each election, the Election committee shall announce election results. Challenges to the outcome of any race must be submitted in writing to the Election Committee no more than 24 hours after results have been posted. All challenges shall be decided by the non-running members of the outgoing Excomm. The Election Committee shall destroy all voting materials after all challenges have been resolved.
  11. Elections for BoC, CRC, ARC, and Food Reps will be held shortly after the Excomm Elections. The Secretary shall preside over the election, unless the Secretary is a candidate in the election, in which case the Secretary shall appoint an Election Chair. The election procedure itself will be as described above for general House elections (relevant parts of Sections 1,2,6,7,9 above).
  12. Election results consist of an alphabetically ordered list of winners without any numerical data.
  13. When new election procedures or events pertaining to the election are introduced, the changes can be implemented following a successful member vote. A quorum exists if the total votes are greater than one-third of all Members. If more than one half of all collected votes support the changed election, the vote is considered successful.
(*) Offices are ranked in the following order : President, Secretary, Superintendent, Treasurer, Social Director, Athletic Manager, Representative-at-Large, Social Team, Athletic Team.
LASR/PA Selection
passed May 6, 1993
amended April 6, 1994
amended January 5, 2005
amended May 8, 2012
amended February 21, 2013
amended January 12, 2020
amended February 12, 2023
  1. The PA/LASR (Peer Advocate / Lloyd Alley Support Representative) Committee shall consist of Peer Advocates (PAs) and Lloyd Alley Support Representatives (LASRs).
  2. LASRs responsibilities will be outlined by Excomm before the selection process.
  3. All first-year PAs will be LASRs.
    1. If two first-year PAs choose to room with each other, they may either choose to jointly be the LASR of the alley, or one of the two will take the role.
  4. An active PA who wishes to be a LASR shall be selected automatically.
  5. All unfilled LASR positions will be filled by applications by non-PAs. These LASRs shall be appointed by the Executive Committee during the third term before the end-of-year roompicks. Signups shall be made available at least one week. All candidates shall complete a written and/or oral interview, to be reviewed by Excomm.
  6. The LASRs will take office at the beginning of each school year.
  7. After the LASRs have been selected, they shall meet, before end-of-the-year roompicks, to choose their alleys. The procedure will be based on pick order of the highest pick of the PA/LASR and their roommate.
  8. The committee of LASRs and PAs shall select from amongst themselves a Head PA/LASR who will serve as a representative to Excomm and who shall attend Excomm Meetings. In cases where the Head PA/LASR is also a voting member of Excomm, they do not have an additional vote.
  9. Meetings of the PA/LASR Committee and the RA shall take place regularly.
passed May 6, 1993
amended April 6, 1994
amended January 5, 2005
amended January 13, 2020
amended February 12, 2023
  1. All members shall be either selected during New Student Rotation or elected by the House membership. These members, retaining all the rights and privileges afforded them by Article I, will be referred to as full members.
  2. Social members may also be selected by the House. They need not be registered Caltech students. Social members have the right to attend and participate in all House meetings and events as well as use House equipment. They cannot enter roompicks, vote, or run for office.
  3. All applications for membership should be announced at least a week in advance of voting. Any problems or challenges should be brought to the Excomm or the Secretary within a week and will be left to their discretion.
  4. 1/3rd of the house membership will be required for quorum for all member elections. A simple majority of those voting must approve social membership applications. Two-thirds of those voting must approve full membership applications. Voting shall run for at least one week until quorum is reached.
  5. After any term, a full member may choose to become a social member without a vote. This includes seniors who would like to become social members in the term immediately following their graduation.
  6. All members will be required to pay house dues by the first week of each term.
Mural Resolution
passed by Excomm October 31, 2001
passed January 5, 2005
amended January 12, 2020
The purpose of the mural resolution is to first, ensure that the mural has the approval of those it affects most; second, protect existing murals; and third, facilitate the retiring of old murals.
  1. A mural shall refer to a painting or other artistic expression.
  2. If the mural is to be in an alley, current members of the alley will be notified and given a chance to provide objections to the mural.
  3. A mural can be approved by the President or by a simple majority of Excomm.
Property Resolution
passed by Excomm May 22, 2008
amended January 13, 2020
The purpose of the property resolution is to first, to define what is Lloyd property; second, to provide guidelines for the use and placement of Lloyd property; and third, to establish penalties for failing to abide by these rules.
  1. Lloyd property shall be defined as including, but not limited to:
    1. Items generally residing in Common Areas, which include, but are not limited to: Upper and Lower Crotch, Lloyd Library, Lloyd Computer Lab, Lloyd Lounge, Lloyd Courtyard, Lloyd Media Shed, Lloyd Tool Sheds, Radio Room, and Alley Heads, which have no other specific claims to ownership
    2. Items purchased or reimbursed using Lloyd House funds
    3. Items given to Lloyd House
    4. Items provided by the Caltech Housing Office to Lloyd House
  2. Possession of Lloyd property may be relinquished at any time by a simple majority vote of Excomm.
  3. Failing to respect and abide by the rules set forth in this resolution shall result in immediate referral to the Conduct Review Committee.